
Please scroll down the left column to see all the results of your MLS search. You can click on the property you would like more information on. If you would like to modify your search result, select edit search tab.

Now you will have additional options you can select from the left side. If you would like to add an area, you can click on the browse link near the top of the left side of the edit listings page. You will get a list of areas that you can scroll down and select by double clicking on them.

If you would like to remove an area, you will need to click on the x next to the area. You can now scroll down and select the details you want in your personalized search results. At the bottom of the page, you can click on the view results button for your new results.

We have the most numerous details of any search available for the Aspen Snowmass areas. If you need further instructions and/or help, please contact me for further assistance. I am here to assist you in finding the best property for you.